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D3.4 EXCESS Model-Predictive Control Algorithms

This document acts as a blueprint for the model predictive control (MPC) base and the optimization algorithms that are planned to be used in different demos. It...

Publication Date: 15 Mar 2022

Author: VTT with contributions from CENER, Gebwell, VITO, AEE, TSI and JR

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D3.4 EXCESS Model-Predictive Control Algorithms

D3.3 EXCESS Flexibility Analytics Module

This deliverable describes the design and development of the EXCESS Data Analytics Framework, which comprises the Comfort Profiling, the Generation Forecasting,...

Publication Date: 08 Feb 2022

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EXCESS Project Newsletter #4 January 2022

From featured journal publications to implementation on the ground (and in the cloud). Find all the latest updates and developments regarding the EXCESS project...

Publication Date: 31 Jan 2022

Author: EXCESS project

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EXCESS Project Newsletter #4 January 2022

D3.2 EXCESS Data Management Framework

This report describes the design and development of the EXCESS Data Management Platform and the elaboration of the EXCESS Common Information Model. The EXCESS...

Publication Date: 01 Jan 2022

Author: Suite5

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Book: Positive Energy Buildings — Concepts, Challenges and Opportunities

This book investigates positive energy buildings (PEBs). It defines them, explains why they are important in the fight against climate change and discusses how...

Publication Date: 09 Dec 2021

Author: VTT with EXCESS partners

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