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Energy and Emission Implications of Electric Vehicles Integration with Nearly and Net Zero Energy Buildings

Buildings and the mobility sectors are the two sectors that currently utilize large amount of fossil-based energy. The aim of the paper is to, critically...

Publication Date: 25 Oct 2021

Author: VTT, VITO, EnergyVille, University of Antwerp

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Integrating Plus Energy Buildings and Districts with the EU Energy Community Framework: Regulatory Opportunities, Barriers and Technological Solutions

The aim of this paper is to assess opportunities the Clean Energy Package provides for Plus Energy Buildings (PEBs) and Plus Energy Districts (PEDs) regarding...

Publication Date: 12 Oct 2021

Author: Joanneum Research, Suite5, CENER Renewables Energies Centre of Spain, VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland, VITO/EnergyVille,Schwarzl IT, AEE INTEC

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Positive Energy Building Definition with the Framework, Elements and Challenges of the Concept

Buildings account for 36% of the final energy demand and 39% of CO2 emissions worldwide. Targets for increasing the energy efficiency of buildings and reducing...

Publication Date: 01 Oct 2021

Author: Mia Ala‐Juusela, Hassam ur Rehman, Mari Hukkalainen and Francesco Reda

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