EXCESS partners take forward PEB demo site in Granada at co-innovation workshop
29 October 2020
On 7 October the third EXCESS co-innovation workshop took place online focusing on the EXCESS positive energy building demo site in Granada, Spain. The planned apartment complex part of the NIVALIS development area, which is establishing a smart, healthy solar city at the foothills of the Sierra Nevada in Andalusia was originally foreseen to meet NZEB building standards. Through involvement in the EXCESS project, the complex is now to be taken to the next level by becoming a positive energy building, prioritizing ecological sustainability, energy self-sufficiency and e-mobility.
Like previous editions, the workshop organized by EXCESS partners from the Prospex Institute, U-rb Atelier and CENER invited 24 local and national stakeholders to not only engage in the development of the demonstration site, but also to provide their view and recommendations for how to take implementation of the project further. In different groups, partners and participants addressed the main barriers and challenges and developed ideas on how to address them for a successful implementation.
The series of EXCESS co-innovation workshops kicked-off in March 2020 with a session at the EXCESS demonstration site in Hasselt, Belgium, continuing with a 2nd workshop in Graz, Austria. An additional workshop is foreseen to take place in Helsinki, Finland which will take place online.
More information about the EXCESS demonstration site can be found here.
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