PEB hybrid PVT solutions for solar heat and electricity generation on limited roof spaces
21 June 2024, 10:00 - 11:00
- Online
This online training will introduce the dual hybrid solar Photovoltaic Thermal (PVT) collectors, developed by DualSun for the EXCESS project. The PVT collectors combine photovoltaic (PV) and solar thermal technology into one single system for simultaneous electricity + heat generation. The collectors installed at two demonstration buildings with limited roof spaces in Helsinki (Finland) and Hasselt (Belgium) were critical for the test buildings to generate more energy than they consume in a year and reach a Positive Energy Building (PEB) status.
These and further potential use cases will be subject of the training with focus on their potential to cover Domestic Hot Water (DHW) production, the possibility for coupling with ground source heatpumps and as single source for water to water heat pumps.
Aim of this online training is to provide:
*The technical basis for PVT and main use cases
*Practical insights from the real-life use cases
*Replication potential and conditions
The training is useful for energy experts, as well as for most actors along the building and construction value chain, students, but also city planners, building owners and interested citizens (e.g. energy communities).
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