Transforming Buildings and Districts into Power Plants

15 February 2022, 10:00

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Transforming Buildings and Districts into Power Plants

As is evidenced in the publication of a growing number of ambitious Sustainable Energy and Climate Action Plans (SECAPs), local governments across Europe are ramping up the implementation of measures to decarbonise buildings and neighbourhoods, to meet climate targets. Over the past decade, the number of buildings in Europe that produce more energy than they consume has been steadily increasing and a growing number of cities are initiating integrated actions to improve energy efficiency, enhance energy flexibility and increase renewable energy generation at district-level.

Recognising the importance of driving sustainability transformations at the neighbourhood- and district-level, the European Commission and national governments are supporting the piloting and replication of approaches that seek to create districts that produce net zero GHG emissions, with a surplus of energy being generated. Against this backdrop, the European Covenant of Mayors – in collaboration with the EU-funded project EXCESS – is pleased to organise a dedicated webinar, in which exemplary district-level initiatives in three European cities are featured. Representatives from the cities of Heraklion, Limerick and Oulu will be joined by two experts working on Positive Energy Buildings and Districts (PEBs and PEDs), to present and reflect on key opportunities and challenges to transform existing buildings and urban districts.

Attendees of the session will gain valuable insights into

  • how district-level strategies are formulated, financed and translated into action;
  • the role of stakeholder engagement and collaboration;
  • technical challenges and solutions to realising PEDs; and
  • local, regional and national policy frameworks to catalyse action.

The session, which will take place online on February 15th, 2022, from 10am to 11.30am CET, represents a great opportunity for local government experts, researchers and smart city solution providers to get inspired, learn about the challenges associated with implementing district-level projects and interact with experienced city managers and experts in the PEB and PED domain.

Sign up for the webinar here.

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