D4.1 Performance evaluation handbook of PEB solutions
Discussion Paper
Paper Abstract
The Performance evaluation handbook of PEB solutions is describing principles of performance evaluation of positive energy building (PEB) solutions. The document first provides an overview of commonly used key performance indicators (KPIs) used for the evaluation, at general level and for each demo case study (Finland, Belgium, Spain and Austria).
Key performance indicators in the energy domain inlcude the share of renewables, self-consumption rate of local renewables and self-sufficiency ratio describing the share of own local production compared to demand. In the economic and technical domain the capital costs, operational costs, life-cycle costs and global costs, seasonal coefficient of performance, robustness and stability are evaluated as most important key performance indicators. User satisfaction, comfort and visibility of results were recognised are evaluated as additional social performance indicators of the buildings.
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Publication Date: 19 Jun 2023
Author: EXCESS project